Monday, 18 August 2014

The Insight that the Future gave The Flintstones

I'm not going to call this a mind blowing fan theory because I'm not Cracked and I am most certainly not Buzzfeed but I had recently stumbled upon some new insight on The Flintstones.

      It happened it from a simple conversation about A&W and it's past drive in service but I have never seen one of those the first thing I thought of was the end credits to The Flintstones. You see, as we all know, The Flintstones, is an average cartoon sitcom based around the one joke of the modern stone age family. But the thing is, as the drive in discussion has reminded me, The Flintstones aren't the modern stone age fantasy. The Flintstones has evolved itself into a form that can be lended to a new perspective without actually changing. This new perspective is actually a joke in itself of perspective. While the set dressing is that of the stone age, The Flintstones really takes place in the sixties. All of the pop culture jokes are about the sixties, all of the animal technology is based around what existed in the sixties and so on, the Flintstones are the sixties stone age family. This is separate joke that can't be seen in the time the show was created but only after years in the future, including a shift from analog to digital technology being the norm. The joke is that the modern generation sees those past with such a large amount of exaggeration that they may as well be thinking of the stone age.

"A record player is so out of date, it may as well be run by a dodo bird."

"My parents probably had a dinosaur as a pet"

And so on. You see it with a view point that couldn't have existed at the time of it's creation. The Flintstones had originally been a average sitcom made mildly entertaining by one repeated joke but with perspective from the future The Flintstones becomes an average sitcom made mildly entertaining by one repeated joke.

Hmm... Maybe I should reconsider the insight this post provides.

1 comment:

  1. The Flintstones was a good sitcom. It hasn't got much famous but i like the performance of all the characters in that sitcom. I hope that you people will come back again with season 2.
