Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Top 10 Trailers of 2013

I haven't seen every movie in 2013, I plan on getting caught up at some point, but I've seen a metric ton of movie trailers. Despite being really nothing more than an advertising tool they have their own merit and reasons to be enjoyed. So, since somebody had to, here are my picks for the top 10 movie trailers of 2013. Keep in mind these have to be judged by their own merit, ignoring the quality of the film they're advertising. Also, it also should do more than hype me up for the movie; hell, all a Captain America 2 trailer has to do to hype me up is remind me that there is a Captain America 2 coming out.  These trailers have to stand on their own.

Pacific Rim

This trailer works because, much like the movie it's showcasing, it knows what to deliver. It lets us know that the movie has monsters, robots and fights with monsters and robots. Idris Elba's speech and the final money shot of a robot hitting a monster with the best make shift baseball bat style weapon since Cabin in the Woods fill the watcher with the kind of child-like giddiness that gets you itching for to buy a ticket to the next show. Also, "Go big or go extinct." deserves a place in movie tagline hall of fame, whoever thought of that needs a big ass bonus, they're damn good at their job.

Upstream Colour

Primer, Shane Carruth's directorial debut, was a very confusing movie that many have watched without comprehending if any events are even occurring on screen. When advertising his similarly experimental second film this trailer confuses its viewer while entrancing them, despite a lack of any idea why. Throw in some fast past editing and you have my #9 best trailer of the year.

 The Wolf of Wall Street

Sometimes the best way to advertise your movie is to bombard the audience with information and this trailer sure has a lot of information thrown as fast as possible, each thing topping the ridiculous thing that came before, it definitely sets the mood and theme of the movie and it effectively pulls the audience in while doing so.

Iron Man 3

This one does kind of seem to be showing a different movie than what we got, it is missing the humour and levity that comes Iron Man but it instead tells fan that this movie is going to be important and it does it so well, this is a trailer that makes you think that the movie is too important to miss, complete with some of the best Inception bwaams from a non-Hans Zimmer score.

American Hustle

If you know David O'Russel, you know the guy loves Led Zeppelin, a love he shows off with his use of Good Times Bad Times predominately in this trailer. Actually, the trailer has little else, there's not much dialogue and it's hard to tell what it's about but you get the idea: a great cast, the 70's, the promise robbery, what else do you need?

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Ya, I'm doing trailers from 2013, it doesn't matter when the movie comes out. This trailer shows off Wes Anderson's charm, which can infect you even if you are unfamiliar with his work, it's so different and exciting that anybody who acts unintrigued is probably a filthy liar, with bad body odour, and crabs.

 Man of Steel

I know, an other comic book movie but, hey, some genres lend themselves better to movie trailers than others, it's a fact of life. You know what else lends itself well to a trailer? Zack Snyder's hyperactive visuals, Hans Zimmer's (actually fantastic) score and Chris Nolan's "What I'm saying is important" dialogue. Sure, the movie amounted to my least favourite movie of 2013 but watching this trailer still tricks me into getting pumped.

Evil Dead (Red Band)

When people heard Evil Dead was getting a gritty reboot they got upset but after watching this trailer they weren't upset as much as they were crunched up into a ball crying for their respective mothers. This is probably the most intense, creepy, cringe inducing (good lord, that tongue cut), and horrifying trailer I've ever seen. 


There's particular way you're supposed to do a trailer for an icon revival, you have to grab the audience's attention and pull them close until you show off the icon in the most spectacular way possible. This trailer nails that. The build up with the Oppenheimer quote and the 2001 music over the destruction with a reveal of Godzilla's unmistakable roar sent chills down my spine that'll last until the movie's release next year.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

My God, this a beautiful trailer. Despite everything that this movie did wrong it was beautifully shot and this trailer uses that to its advantage, it doesn't hurt that almost all you hear is Of Monsters and Men's Dirty Paws, a fantastic song. This trailer is so consuming I can watch it over and over, it's it own little work of art, the epitome of a good trailer.

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