Science Fiction is a useful genre to express where an artist sees humanity is headed, to explore how the humanity will react to new existential concepts and to show off bad ass guns. These are my top 10 coolest, most badass and generally best projectile weapons in the history of sci-fi, keep in mind that I'm only including one gun per movie, or movie series.
"It's impossible to hit anything farther than 15 yards. Impossible to miss anything closer. It's a gun for fuck-up turkeys."
The blunderbuss is not a gun for the skilled or those who like to plan attacks ahead, it's the epitome of a 'close encounters' type gun. Maybe I'm only including it because it looks really cool but that's because it looks really cool.
The Gun's Best Moment:
Joe shows he knows what his gun's good for.
Minority Report
Sonic Gun
Minority Report
Sonic Gun
Much like the movie's puke creating sick stick this is a 'non-lethal' weapon used by the police department in the future. The Sonic Gun uses a sonic pulse to launch whatever's in front of you onto its ass, plus you do a cool spin to reload it. Despite likely being very easy to kill somebody with this it's meant merely to knock back and incapacitate.
The Gun's Best Moment:
Tom Cruise decides to use his perusers weapon on themselves.
Modified AKM
Modified AKM
Sometimes it's not the gun but the ammunition. This gun is really just a modern day AKM gun with special sights that allow you detect targets' locations but what it does with that info is what makes this gun kick ass. In the film the gun is loaded with airburst ammunition that explodes right before hitting the target, making this essentially the world's most accurate grenade launcher, even if it does tend to jam.
The Gun's Best Moment:
Matt Damon manages to kick ass with the gun despite having no idea what he's doing.